My old blog:

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I took the name of this blog from one of my favorite quotes from George Bernard Shaw: "Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." The way I see it, this blog and all of the experiences and stories that I write in it are, collectively, an account of how I go about creating myself in my daily life. My name is David.

Monday, September 6, 2010

I have finally found the time to write on this blog. Senior year is only two weeks old and it's already keeping me extremely busy. I've been wanting to write for weeks now and just haven't had the time. So...

I've decided that my posts don't always have to be these really thought out entries that I meditate on for a while before I write them. I just don't have the time for that anymore. Now if I feel like I need to post something I'm just going to post it...however it comes out. I figure that's the only way it'll get done.

The ending to this summer was semisweet. In August I went on a great trip to the mountains with my sweetheart, and also traveled to Charleston, SC with my best friend. Then at the end of August my great grandmother passed away. This was the first time that a death in the family had taken someone close to me, and it has taken me a while to deal with that. My family and I traveled up to Ohio for a few days to visit family and attend the funeral, and then the day after we got back I moved into my apartment at UNCG. It's been a crazy two weeks since then, but I'm feeling on top of my game...for now. My class syllabi are predicting a good many papers and projects in my future, and I'm wondering how I'm going to handle those when I feel like I'm thoroughly spent at the end of each day already. But hey, that's what college is all about, right? Completing a tremendous amount of work in a limited amount of time.

My psychology classes have been getting interesting as of late. The two that I took over the summer, plus the one that I'm taking now, are helping me to see how many things influence the actions of people and how people respond to certain situations. This is causing me to re-evaluate how I interact with people and what I think of someone that I don't know that well. I'm trying to apply the things that I learn in the classroom to my everyday life, and I think this is a good way to do that.

Enter: Week 3.

1 comment:

  1. Just remember David, the college years are one of the best in your life. . . You have the rest of your life to be a grown- up so enjoy, relax and have fun !!!! You'll get the work done and you'll do great. Enjoy your senior year :)
    Todd and Erin
